Consumerism and its power to destroy our Earth and our bank accounts


I recently read an article on Gizmodo about what to do with outdated ipads. I assume they mean anything that can’t run IOS 7 or 8. They suggest using it as a dedicated ereader, comic book reader, or something like a kitchen companion. I have a better idea though. Why don’t you just use these outdated ipads like ipads?

These old, tired ipads run just fine on IOS 4, 5, or 6. A little slow? Who cares. Most–one second and let me please clarify “most”; “most” means people that aren’t techies, aren’t hip, aren’t savvy. They are the normal general public that greatly out number any technologically hip savvy demographic–people could careless if it takes 5-10 seconds longer to boot up an app. And what are people doing on their ipads that they need the next bestest greatest hardware? Most people are just reading, browsing the internet, watching movies, basically doing mindless things that do not require any efficient productivity. For most of the people that do these things, there is no need to upgrade and to say that their ipads are scrap is a crime of consumerism.


Imma cut to the chase, our planet is in trouble. It does not need piles and piles of ipads being tossed out every year because something “better” comes along. So much energy has already been put into making them and all of it is going to be thrown away in a measly 2-3 years? If we, as a race, cannot make materials that last for longer than 2-3 years, we aren’t going to make it. We are going to run out resources. Waste is building up and contaminating everything. Be resourceful, use your electronics till they die or if it is absolutely necessary to upgrade. Fight it, people. Don’t let the draw of new shiny things force you into making unnecessary purchases. You are stronger than them!

If you are in the resourceful mindset, you probably will save a good $500. You will probably be saving a ton of money if you aren’t upgrading your electronics all the time. But then some of you will be like, “I make such and such so I can buy whateva I want.” Come on, grow up. Think about how much waste you are creating. Think about other things you can do with that money rather than having an updated, for now, device that’ll just be a paper weight in 2-3 years. Put that money in savings, give it to charity, go right out and give it to someone that needs it.

Gizmodo, I love ya, but don’t be telling people they have old junk. What they have is perfectly usable and they are perfectly content with it being usable.

Original article –

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